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Everything posted by Dumke

  1. There is also a level cap for talking in chat, which I believe is level 5.
  2. That would be me, but good to see it's fixed.
  3. What is your discord username?
  4. What does the file in dbour/log/patch.log say?
  5. It's more the issue we have with the vast amount of people's different configurations.
  6. What does the file in dbour/log/patch.log say? Have you looked through this topic;
  7. As you can see you've timed out several times attempting to reach our servers. Can you try this?
  8. Give this a try. As you can see you've timed out three times on your way to our servers. Hopefully this DNS fix, makes better jumps.
  9. Where are you located? Are you using a VPN? Do you have a custom DNS? Would you be able to attempt a traceroute on the IP in the ConfigOptions.xml located in DBOUR/GAME/?
  10. Where are you located? Are you using a VPN? Do you have a custom DNS? Would you be able to attempt a traceroute on the IP in the ConfigOptions.xml located in DBOUR/GAME/?
  11. We'll have it processed momentarily.
  12. We provide downloads for the client on each large rebuild. under Browse->Begin Your Adventure.
  13. so if you run the launcher from the dbour folder, and not the game folder, it still says "client.exe" not found? where is your folder located?
  14. is there a client.exe in the game folder?
  15. Are you running the launcher from the game folder or the dbour folder?
  16. The Forgetful Patch ( Added new Flight auras ( +1 - +17) Added new Block Auras ( +1 - +17) Begin working on PVP Server/Channel logic. Add pmob and pnpc commands for Game Masters (It's begun.) Added Training point reset at Class Trainers. Added User and Screenshot folders backup function to Launcher One Click Backup and Restore for new Client installs and re-installs. added fps limit, discord rich presence, gamma, showfps to the settings options. Option to disable video and have static image instead place any image with the name "placeholder.jpg" into media/ Universe Points are manually allocated currently. Fixed the Incorrect Flight Animation Attachment. Increase cost of Training Points and Skill Resets (Zeni Sink) Scales with level, prices are still affordable at lower levels. Fixed the Dragon Ball Reward Menu to show only items that apply to your class/race (Quest, Scramble, Hunt) Launcher More clarity to the settings values corrected some incorrect maximum values will correct if there is both mod and .mod in the game folder
  17. Could you take a screenshot of your installation folder? both the dbour and game folder? aswell as posting the file in dbour/log/patch.log here?
  18. That's also why I specifically said not to disable real-time protection in the header of the post, in the worst case you say, if it interacts with anything outside of the folder in a malicious manner, It'd still be flagged. But generally, you were most often than not required to run the original dbo.exe with administrative privileges, which is an issue, but if it's installed anywhere but the root of C:/ or an secondary drive, it might have read/write issues due to the nature of all the folders in use for Windows 10.