Journal Entry #1...
Experience an alternate version of the Dragon Ball Story, from the perspective of the player, you.
These experiences take place all across the Dragon Ball Timeline from Goku's Landing on Earth, up-to to his encounter with Freeza.
You will be able to join Trunks' elite unit the "Time Patrol" and prevent the "Time Breakers" from interfering with the course of history.
These entries are brief re-tellings of the events that you can experience as the youth you create, such as learning Ki Control from Grandpa Gohan, to Block and Guard Techniques from the Ox-King, and Ki Dashing from Chi-Chi. Do battle with numerous villains from the Dragon Ball universe, such as Vegeta, and Great Ape Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, and the Ginyu Force.
You can experience the Time Machine Quests with four other friends an unlimited amount of times, while the Time Rifts will be a solo one-time only experience.
Time Rifts Prelude
Sometime during Age 1000, Several Rifts in Time and Space begin to appear through out various locations as the Time Breakers begin to unravel time, causing many children to get sucked into the past.
November 28th, AGE 761, A youth appears at Kame House and meets Turtle, who reveals that everyone left to follow a “Saiyan”. The Time Breakers arrive in search of Son Goku. However With Goku gone, they settle for trying to capture Turtle and the youth.
Before they can accomplish their goal, Trunks steps in. The remnants of Freeza’s army recognize him as a member of the Time Patrol and decide that he'd be a better prize and try to get rid of him for Mira. However Trunks dispatches them quickly and finishes them off with a Burning Attack. Trunks briefly explains to the youth what happened, just after GBT-Hope (Trunks' Assistant Robot) arrives with the Time Machine and with Trunks returns the youth to AGE 1000.
Time Rift #1
Somewhere between June~August, AGE 737, a youth arrives near Grandpa Gohan's house. After a short walk the youth encounters a vicious dinosaur, after knocking him out, the youth continues towards Grandpa Gohan's house, after the commotion of the scuffle outside, Grandpa Gohan comes out to greet the youth. Grandpa Gohan notices the youth's martial arts abilities and the two spar in order to test the youth's skills.
Afterwards, a ball of fire comes streaking across the sky and crashes in the forest nearby. Grandpa Gohan and the youth run to investigate, finding a crater with a pod inside.
The youth grabs baby Goku from the pod and takes him to Grandpa Gohan. After a short talk, the youth carries Goku back to Grandpa Gohan's house for him. as a reward for helping him out, Grandpa Gohan teaches the youth the art of gathering Ki. Shortly after Trunks arrives to take the youth back through the rift to AGE 1000.
Time Rift #2
September 9th, AGE 749, A youth arrives at the village at the base of Mount Fry-Pan. The Ox-King attacks and then apologizes for thinking they were after his treasure.
Goku arrives on his Nimbus and Ox-King asks both of them to go find his daughter, who went to find Master Roshi. The youth heads out from the village and after a short walk, the youth finds Chi-Chi on the ground unconscious.
A large dinosaur approaches her, She's still unconscious on the ground, about to be eaten by another dinosaur. The youth defeats the creature, then the rest of it's pack, the youth fights Chi-Chi after she wakes up, thinking the youth is a pervert.
Goku arrives shortly after from hearing the loud noises Chi-Chi was making and explains everything to Chi-Chi, then taking her to find Master Roshi. The youth returns to Ox-King and receives his thanks, for finding his daughter and for telling him that they went to find his master, shortly after he teaches the youth Block and Counter Attack techniques. Once again, Trunks appears and takes the Youth back through the rift to AGE 1000.
Time Rift #3
May 7th, AGE 756, a youth arrives on Papaya Island at the Budokai grounds. As the youth wanders around, two martial artist walk up and begin to give the youth a hard time.
Chi-Chi steps in to help, and the two fight off the bullies. The youth thanks Chi Chi for her help. She asks if the youth has seen a man named Son Goku around, and shows off a rough drawing from the last time she saw the boy.
The youth says no, but agrees to help her look and goes off to ask other people if they've seen him. The youth runs into Oolong, transformed as Goku, and takes him to Chi-Chi, but the pig isn't able to hold the transformation. Oolong tells them that Goku is in the preliminaries building, and the two run off to find him. Upon their reunion, Goku doesn't recognize Chi-Chi, which makes her mad and causes her to storm off.
The youth follows her and Chi-Chi teaches the youth Ki Dashing as a reward for helping her find Son Goku, shortly after Chi-Chi leaves, Trunks arrives to return the youth back through the rift to AGE 1000.
Smile Farm!
Trunks decides to stop the Time Breakers from distorting history as we know it. He's determined that the youth and his four friends are trustworthy enough to help out the Time Patrol in their mission.
November 28th, AGE 761, The Time Patrol arrives in the past and is ambushed by the Time Breakers. Raditz lands and kills the farmer before heading off to search for Kakarot (Goku).
The Time Patrol makes their way towards the site where Raditz landed and spot more Time Breakers. Trunks has them give chase until they find Freeza's remnants setting up a bomb in the middle of the Farmer's town.
The Time Patrol fights off the enemies until they are able to disable the explosive. Trunks spots what looks to be their leader, Android 8000MX, who attempts to escape to their current hideout. The group continues to chase them a little ways until they end up at a frozen lake surrounded by mountains.
The Time Patrol defeats the rest of the Time Breakers here, as well as 8000MX, before they can reach the proper entrance.
Before Trunks is able to get everyone out of there, Raditz arrives after picking up the high battle powers on his scouter, though he leaves when he realizes none of them are his brother. Trunks packs everyone on the time machine and returns to AGE 1000.
The Journey Begins...
November 28th, AGE 761, The Time Patrol arrives in the past on an island, just across from Kame House and must swim to reach Kame House. Goku and Piccolo took off in an attempt to follow Raditz, but it seems the Time Breakers have developed a jamming device to disrupt the signal the Dragon Radar uses, so they return to Kame House.
The Time Breakers take this chance to attack and the Time Patrol helps the heroes defeat them. Afterward, Goku and Piccolo take to the sky once again while the Time Patrol uses a submarine to travel to that familiar*, nearby Pirate Cave in order to destroy the jamming devices, which are being guarded by Android 8000 Mk.II and other Time Breakers.
Once they are defeated, Trunks has everyone get into the submarine* at the pirate's dock instead of trekking back through the cave.
The submarine pops up through the ice at the frozen lake just across from Smile Farm and the group returns to the site where Raditz's pod is.
They help to stall Raditz while Piccolo charges his Special Beam Cannon, and Goku returns to his feet to hold his brother in the path of the Namekian's attack.
With the Job finished, the Time Patrol return to AGE 1000.
[*The Pirate Cave they travel to is the same one where Goku fought Blue.]
[*The submarine is just like the one in the Red Ribbon Army Arc of Dragon Ball.]
The Masked Man Appears...
November 28th, AGE 761, The Time Patrol arrive in the past near to the area that will soon become Gohan's training grounds. A Masked Man has the Time Breakers set up cannons to shoot Piccolo out of the sky, and then goes off to work on other plans.
The Time Patrol destroys the forces and devices to clear the way for Piccolo. The Namekian arrives safely and tells Gohan about his hidden power and then leaves him to survive in the wilderness. When their original plan fails, the Time Breakers resorted to brainwashing the local wildlife for extra help, forcing the Time Patrol to defeat a group of the T-Rex like dinosaurs before they devour Gohan.
One manages to make it to Gohan, who becomes enraged and puts too much power into his jump as he avoids the dinosaur, resulting in him landing on top the giant plateau.
Android 8000 and Android 8000MX arrive with a large group of Time Breakers to stop the Time Patrol from interfering with their plans...which results in their failure.
Trunks calls everyone to the time machine and they jump ahead to another Timeline that is being disrupted.
The Masked Man puts the finishing touches on their brainwashing device. The Time Patrol arrives as Gohan transforms into an the mighty Oozaru (Great Ape), the Masked Man's mask prevents him from transforming as well.
The Masked Man sends his device to brainwash the giant monkey and the Time Patrol rushes to stop him. The masked man steps in to prevent them from stopping the brainwashing process, and by the time the Time Patrol finally gets him on the defensive, he retreats because Gohan is now under his control, leaving the heroes to fight off the Oozaru while they try to destroy the machine.
Piccolo arrives right after Gohan is freed, though the monkey still fires off a mouth blast at his new teacher. Piccolo then destroys the moon to revert Gohan back to normal and prevent Nappa and Vegeta from transforming when they arrive. Timeline returned to normal, Trunks has everyone return to the time machine and to the AGE 1000.
The Saiyans Arrive!
November 3, AGE 762, The Time Patrol arrives in the past and rushes to the battlefield to help stall Nappa from killing Gohan and Krillin before Goku arrives. The Time Patrol manage to defeat Nappa and Vegeta goes to make a move, but Goku arrives and draws his attention.
The two head off for a new location to hold their battle. The Time Patrol attempts to follow them, but runs into a giant Time Breaker device and must destroy the six generators that power it. Elsewhere, Goku is using the Kaio-ken to drive Vegeta into a corner. They manage to destroy the final generator as Goku sends Vegeta into the air with his Kaio-ken x4 Kamehameha. Vegeta returns and tosses his Power Ball to trigger his Oozaru transformation. This prompts Gohan and Krillin to return to the battlefield, but they are attacked by Time Breakers.
The Time Patrol saves them and help attack Vegeta in order to distract him from Yajirobe, who cuts off his tail. After he returns to normal, everyone continues to beat him up while Krillin is given the energy for the Spirit Bomb from Goku. With the attack thrown, Vegeta is sent soaring into the air, again. Everyone heads back to the time machine, Trunks a fair distance ahead of the others, but the Masked Man arrives and attacks everyone else. The heroes end up breaking his mask and reveal that he is Bardock, causing him to retreat as it starts to rain.
Trunks arrives at the time machine and is caught off guard by a blast from Mira. Trunks collapses and Mira goes in to finish him off as the rest of the Time Patrol arrive. They attempt to fend him off, but can't match his power. He prepares a blast to finish everyone off, but Bardock arrives, mask-less, and grabs him in a full-nelson by surprise.
Mira is surprised the mask wore off, and Bardock thanks him for saving him from Freeza, but says he'll act on his own free will. Mira declares that Bardock is attempting to use a self-destruct, but that it won't work. Bardock tells him that he'll use this second chance at life that he was given to take Mira out, and bids farewell to his son, Kakarot (Goku) once more.
The area where they were floating violently explodes. Everyone helps get the injured Trunks on board the time machine and they return to AGE 1000...
Trunks and the Time Patrol had defeated Mira and the Time Breakers. By doing so, they helped to return several Timelines back to normal and it seemed history was preserved ... or was it?
Darkness over Planet Namek
December 23rd, AGE 761, Towa is watching from above as Gohan and Krillin stay hidden from Freeza and his goons as he attempts to gain another Dragon Ball from Moori's village.
The Time Patrol arrives on Namek shortly after everyone else. Sensing their arrival, Towa appears before the Time Patrol and briefly introduces herself.
Trunks is upset that he couldn't sense any signs of her Ki. Towa realizes they are the ones who "defeated" Mira and tells them they don't need to know her plans, and she will stop them now before they can interrupt her later.
She summons some more Time Breakers and has them stall the heroes while she goes to try and find someone to experiment on. By the time the soldiers are defeated, Towa has resurrected and enslaved Cui, who was killed by Vegeta.
She attempts to power him up by increasing his size and combat power, but despite his power growing, his body shrinks. Towa leaves Cui to fight the Time Patrol, but Trunks gives chase, leaving the other members to fight the reanimated corpse.
Elsewhere, Gohan and Krillin save Dende from Freeza and end up with Dodoria chasing them. Vegeta interferes and ends up killing Dodoria, but Towa revives his corpse as well. This time she increases the subjects power and size and has him attack the Time Patrol as a distraction while she slips into another Timeline. After they defeat Dodoria, they follow her to the new Timeline. They arrive after Vegeta has been defeated by Zarbon and taken to Freeza's ship. Vegeta is fully healed and escapes with the 5 Dragon Balls that were in Freeza's possession.
Trunks assumes Towa is after Vegeta and plans to ambush him when he arrives at the location where he tossed the Dragon Balls. The Time Patrol arrives before Vegeta and wipes out the Time Breaker forces.
Afterwards, they gather all the Dragon Balls Vegeta tossed and places them into that single inlet for the Saiyan to find, though they weren't scattered very far originally.
Vegeta arrives without incident, and Trunks realizes that Towa must have really been after Zarbon, who will soon encounter Vegeta and alter the past if Towa makes him stronger.
Vegeta goes after Krillin's Dragon Ball and is then attacked by Zarbon, who has had his strength and size increased. The Time Patrol arrive to help Vegeta to defeat him. Zarbon is backed into a corner and forced to transform, but when he does, he shrinks.
Krillin takes this chance to escape with his Dragon Ball, but Vegeta gives chase, leaving Zarbon to be dealt with by the Time Patrol alone. Towa is sad that her experiments aren't going as planned, and she disappears.
The Time Patrol defeats Zarbon for good, and Vegeta gets the Dragon Ball from Krillin. He then encounters Gohan, who stole the Dragon Ball he hid in the lake when he first arrived, just as history is supposed to go. Trunks gathers everyone and returns them home to AGE 1000.
The Ginyu Force are here!
December 24th, AGE 761, The Time Patrol arrives after the Ginyu Squad. Trunks decides to track down Towa while everyone else takes out the other Time Breaker grunts.
By the time they finish, Recoome has already taken out Gohan, Krillin and Vegeta thanks to Towa making him bigger and stronger. Burter notes the strength increase after he grew bigger and makes fun of him for being so silent since, wondering if the girl who powered him up was his girlfriend.
Towa continues to watch from the sky as the Time Patrol arrive to protect Vegeta. They manage to defeat Recoome and free him from Towa's control, and Trunks arrives to confront the woman herself. She flirts with him, saying she knows she has her charms, but she doesn't have time to deal with a stalker. She then disappears.
Trunks tells the rest of his group that Goku will arrive soon and they should leave everything else to him. He continues to chase Towa while they head to the coordinates he's provided them. Recoome wakes up, only to get beaten by Goku, who then takes care of Burter and lets Jeice go get Ginyu.
Arriving at the coordinates Trunks provided, the Time Patrol members are told that Towa has ordered the Time Breakers to kill all the frogs in the region to prevent Goku from trapping Ginyu inside one when he attempts to control Vegeta. They defeat their enemies and protect the frogs, but receive bad news, as Trunks arrives and reveals that he has lost Towa.
One of the downed Time Breakers raises his arm blaster to get a shot in on Trunks before he dies, but Bardock arrives and smashes the gun upon landing.
He tells Trunks that he's soft at finishing off his enemies and blasts the alien he's stepping on without even looking. Trunks is surprised, thinking the once masked man was supposed to be dead, but Bardock says there is no time for that as Towa's ultimate goal here is to brainwash Goku.
Trunks says Goku is too pure to be brainwashed, but Bardock tells him that she's aiming for him while Ginyu's soul is still inside. Bardock offers to go destroy the devices if the Time Patrol will go stall Goku-Ginyu from coming close to them. Trunks wonders why the guy is is helping them, and he starts to reveal that he is Goku's dad, but instead just says that he owes them one for breaking the mask. Elsewhere, Goku and Ginyu change bodies. The Time Patrol arrives to stall Goku-Ginyu and Jeice. The two eventually realize the Time Patrol are just dodging their attacks and head off to Freeza's ship in order to stop wasting time.
Vegeta kills Jeice, Ginyu-Goku arrives and changes their bodies back, and then Goku throwing the frog that traps Ginyu. Towa is mad that the Time Patrol prevented her from brainwashing Goku and decided to attack everyone with a gigantic Ginyu-Frog. Once it is defeated, she seems happy, that finally one of her experiments was stable in size and power. She deduces that the creatures of Namek yield good results and thinks that there might be some Namekians still alive to experiment time.
She disappears, and Trunks gathers everyone back in the time machine to go home to AGE 1000.
Freeza joins the fight!
December 24th, AGE 761, Determined to stop the Time Breakers, the Time Patrol arrives back on Namek and begin searching for Towa, defeating grunts along the way.
Continuing to use Namek as her testing grounds, Towa watches as Nail faces off against Freeza in a futile battle. The Warrior Namekian attempts to buy time for Dende and the Earthlings, and manages to succeed, but he pays the price by being left at death’s door.
Before Freeza can deliver the final blow, Nail enjoys letting Freeza know that he’s been duped. The tyrant rages and flies back to his ship at full speed, determined to protect the Dragon Balls he worked so hard to gather. The battle over, Towa makes her way over to the battered Nail and channels some of his remaining Ki/blood into a mysterious bottle and then disappears as quickly as she came. The time Patrol follow her to the new Timeline.
While Gohan, Krillin and Dende attempt to summon Porunga, the Time Patrol arrives at Freeza's spaceship to protect the injured Goku from Towa's goons.
The Heroes manage to wish Piccolo back to life and to Planet Namek, but Vegeta shows up before they can make their third wish. Vegeta tries to pressure them for his immortality, but the Elder Guru dies before it can be granted. On the other side of the planet, Piccolo finds Nail and the two merge into a single body.
The Time Patrol defeats the grunts outside of the ship and then move on to those inside. Vegeta begins to rage, but is forced to deal with it when Freeza arrives and is filled with rage himself. The battle begins and Vegeta coaxes Freeza to transform, but the power increase is greater than he expected. Krillin manages to cut off Freeza's tail, but that only infuriates the tyrant even more.
The Time Patrol exits Freeza's ship and move on to their next mission, a nearby cave that leads underground. Lucky for everyone, a new and improved Piccolo arrives to battle Freeza, but is quickly tossed aside as the tyrant transforms again. The Time Patrol begins to progress their way through the Time Breaker's underground base, defeating all that appear before them. At the end of the base, a lone grunt sits with Freeza's severed tail. Having been enhanced by Towa, The soldier takes a bite of Freeza's tail, mutating and increasing in strength. The Time Patrol defeats him and continues out the other side of the base, where Freeza is transforming into his true form.
Back at Freeza's ship, Towa stands atop a cliff. She implanted a crystal on the Ginyu-Frog and uses her staff to increase it's size. The Time Patrol arrive to defeat the mind-controlled frog in Ginyu's body. Everyone heads back toward the time machine just as Goku’s time in the healing chamber comes to an end. Freeza sends Vegeta into the side of a plateau and just when he's about to deal the final blow, Son Goku arrives at the battlefield. As History is now following it's correct course, Trunks gathers everyone back in the Time Machine to go home to AGE 1000.
Chocolay Tower
Month and Day Unknown, AGE 1000, The Youth arrives at Chocolay Tower in search of Demon General Gamelan, hoping to stop his evil plans and protect the peace of the world.
On the ground floor of the tower, the youth begins destroying all the Ajisa farming equipment. They start with Tanta first, and the Namekrystal facility his Narak brethren are overseeing. Next they move on to the Freeza Army remnant's Dudekamin facility and Mira's officer Fry. They finally take out Sus and the Ajisa poisoning facility that Mira's Army is running. With the bottom floor decimated, the youth climbs the tower to the first floor. There, they find Chocolay overseeing the cultivation of Dark Senzu. The youth defeats Chocolay and destroys the equipment before anymore of the fruit can be harvested for Kiri extraction. On the second floor, the youth encounters Mr. Poko Poko. The Black Mashenlong who was overseeing the Kiri refinement process before being eliminated.
On the third, and final, floor, the youth arrives where the refined Kiri is stored. In Gamelan's throne room, a Namekian named Vibra (who Gaga’s broken free of Gamelan’s mind control) has already arrived before the youth. Vibra defeats two of Gamelan's underlings and demands that the Demon General's evil plans end today. Gamelan is surprised a traitor managed to make it to the top floor, but is more than prepared to handle the situation. He takes control of the evil in Vibra's heart and brainwashes him into fighting the youth. Vibra summons his Pokopen partner to help defeat the youth, Vibra himself is defeated and once again cleansed of his brainwashing. Vibra sacrifices his life in an attempt to destroy Gamelan and Chocolay tower. However, the Demon General protected himself from the immense power of the self-destruction technique with a barrier. With Vibra gone, Gamelan turns his attention to the youth.
Gamelan cockily claims that everyone will soon bow before him. However, the youth manages to overpower the Demon General. Gamelan summons three Namekian prisoners and merges with one of them. Still unable to defeat the youth, he absorbs the second prisoner and eventually the third. His power remains inferior to that of his opponent. Gamelan wonders when Week will come back. Getting desperate, he starts to stir up his inner evil thoughts and manifests them as physical entities to fight the youth. Gamelan is incapacitated with a headache as the youth dispatches of the manifestations. As Gamelan kneels before the youth, defeated, Week arrives. He chastises Gamelan for being so weak. Though, now that Chocolay Tower has reached its completed stage, he has no need for Gamelan anyway. Week eradicates him with a quick blast while musing over the fact that Gamelan never realized he was being used.
The youth is determined to prevent Week and Mira's Army from getting away with everything, and challenge him to a battle. Try as he might, Week's power is also proves inferior to that of the youth. The Frankenstien looking Namekian is defeated, and the youth sets their eyes on the rest of Mira's organization.