
Current Download/Install Guide

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My brother and I were looking to get into playing Dragon Ball Online. It seems like people prefer this over DBO Global. We can only find a video guide on installing DBO Global though. Could someone post a link or create a video showing step by step how to download and install the game? It would be greatly appreciated.

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First of all do you have winrar/7zip or any alternative installed?

If you do and have ever used them before, it's relatively simple to setup.


the short install step is:


download from:


once downloaded, extract the archive, then just install everything found in "redist_required_software" (if you're running 32bit windows, you will need to get msvc redist 32bit)

and if you're running windows 7, you will be required to run windows7_fixer as administrator found in the same location as the launcher.


after this, you're all good to play provided you have created a game account as well.

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