
Universe Revelations Mod Loader 101

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As I've just been made aware a good majority of our players don't know about the exciting and thrilling feature that is our integrated mod loader.

You should already have a mod folder placed inside your "DBOUR/Game/" Folder, and you might have noticed some of our example mods already, such as the prelogin music, and the giant Mr. Popo sun.


what is included here however, is the  premade folder of the moddable features of DBO Universe Revelations.


All that is required is that you place the file/mod in the same folder where it originally belongs, and it'll automatically load the mod, either or on startup, or if you log out and back in, or even if you load a new location such as Kokkara to Karin.


What do I do with this mod folder here?

Just download it and extract it into your DBOUR/Game/ Folder, use 'extract here' as it's already in a folder.


Where can I find files to mod?

I've taken the liberty to organize a MEGA folder where you can find all the files that you can mod.
You can find that folder here
I recommend using MEGASync if you plan to use this often.



This also serves as a download to all for the sounds, textures and flash for anyone wanting to explore these files, as there is quite lot of goodies.

How do I know where the file goes?

Hopefully the person who made the mod left some instructions on where it needs to go, 
but for the modders, the MEGA folder also has a perfectly intact folder structure, showing where each file belongs.

How do I unload a mod?

place the mod in the folder "unload", if there isn't one, create one and place it in there.
You can unload all mods by renaming the mod folder to '.mods', this works for all folders.

Modding sounds awesome, how can I start?

There are various resources available for people wishing to get started, one of the best is from where it began,
Dragon Ball Online Community Forums - Modding

The best place to ask for help is here.
Dragon Ball Online Universe Revelations - Modding

If you have any more questions about the exciting world of modding, I'll try to assist you best I can.


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For all mods that change an item, such as DOGI, Armor, Weapon etc.


For aura mods, like Super Saiyan, or Kaioken,



Doesn't work for you?

make sure the item you're replacing is for the correct gender or race.

a_bs_17_j_h_f.dds | Human_Female.

a_bs_17_j_h_m.dds | Human_Male.
a_bs_17_j_m_m.dds | Majin_Male.
a_bs_17_j_m_f.dds | Majin_Female.

for Namekian only DOGI's such as Kami's Dogi
a_cos_03_j1_n_o.dds - Namek_Onesex 

otherwise, they will use H_M.

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12 hours ago, malum said:

i never got a mod folder in my game :(

you can create it.

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