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Posts posted by Skaly

  1. Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum, I don't know if this is the correct way to report bugs, it seemed more appropriate to put the ideas together in a single thread and not post an absurd amount of individual threads. If I'm wrong, please let me know.



    -[Minor] When creating the character, in the selection of hair colors in humans, he stops at the dark purple hair.

    - [Minor] When "X  player" logs out or disconnects, the message "X  player" is online appears.

    - [Minor] Special attacks from the great namek, they don't work.

    - [Major] When canceling the great namek state, it remains, preventing you from using normal state skills.

    - [Major] The namek arm sends players "through the air", and leaves the bosses "sunk in the ground" without the possibility of targeting them.

    * [Major] On repeated occasions I get an error "wrong state" and also "can't cast skill now" and they don't allow me to attack. In pvp this makes me lose a lot. It only happens to me with Sk.



    "can't cast skill now"

    Wrong State - Can't cast skill now


    * [Major] Sk's area stun skill, its casting is interrupted, it seems to be an error in its range, since if it is used next to the target, it is cast correctly. Having to cast the skill 2 times in pvp is something that puts us at a disadvantage.

    * [Major] Problems with nameks in skills in general when used with rp.

    Example: skill does not run with RP


    - [Major] When fighting Cell-X, the majin's spin skill causes the other players in the party to "teleport" near cell, causing them to die. Without the spin this problem does not happen.

    - [Crash] When restarting the skills and opening the window with the K key, the game closes.

    Visual bugs:

    * [Trivial] SSJ's hair disappears when she takes out some "hair" accessory.


    * [Trivial] Sunglasses with transparency problems on Nameks, Majins and kids.


    * [Trivial] The animation of the majin spin skill is not displayed many times.


    * [Trivial] The icon of the dropped objects is located more "above" than normal, so it is difficult to see it.


    * [Trivial] Color of the wrong drop icons (in this case, all icons are blue)


    * [Minor] character locations is incorrect.


    I hope it is helpful for the community! See ya


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