
Client Patch Notes 31/05/2020

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And some face baby!





  • Fixed color with Pure Majin
  • Fixed Bank Crashing when opening
  • Fixed Bank Crashing when buying slots
  • Fixed Several Property Related Crashes
  • Fixed Char Selection bugs.(Everything was set to 5)
  • Added the 5 extra original Namekian heads back






  • Added 14 new hair styles for Namekians.
  • Added 14 new faces for Namekians.
  • Added multiple new textures. 
  • Lowered Deletion time to 5 minutes. 
  • Increase Maximum FPS setting to 1000
  • Slightly increased drop rates. 





new hairstyle example.png

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  • Thanks 11
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Good job! 

By the way, could you add a photo example for new textures, new hairs etc?  I think its much more visible when you read the patch notes


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Great work again thanks a lot.


Are the missing hairstyles of Saiyans also added and the new hairstyles where added are still fixed that are buggy?


It would be great if you could still bring out an item with which you can change the look of your character.


In German


Wieder großartige Arbeit vielen dank.


Werden die fehlenden Frisuren von denn Saiyajins auch noch hinzugefügt und die neuen Frisuren wo hinzugefügt wurden sind noch behoben die verbuggt sind?


Es wäre super wenn ihr ein Item noch heraus bringen könntet womit man das aussehen seines Chars ändern kann.

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With the hairstyles that have been added to the Namek breed, you can see the Budokai sunglasses from his char would not be great if you could adjust that with the next update.

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The Namek breed still lacks a few colors, it would be great if they were added as there were some colors of it on the official server.

You could add more colors because there are currently only 6 colors for the Namek breed.


In German


Bei der Rasse Namekianer fehlen noch ein paar farben es wäre super wenn die noch hinzugefügt werden würden da es manche farben davon beim offiziellen Server auch davon gab.


Man könnte ja noch weitere farben hinzufügen da es aktuell nur 6 Farben gibt bei der Rasse Namekianer.

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