Guest atidote

Server Patch Notes 23/05/2019

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Guest atidote

During the last few day we've made a big rework on the server:




The entire server has been review due to the lasts freezes & cpu usage we've encounter.

Over 10000 lines of code has been edited, review and optimised.

From the data loading, network packet management, network core, memory allocations.


The last version pushed on live (23/05/2019 : 9:30pm) may be the most stable & powerfull version we made until now.

There is still alot of optimisation to make on the server, there is still possible crash to expect dur to the amount of code review.


We'll keep working on side on the quests system and some other incomming surpise.



The useless Atidote,

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Guest atidote

May be the most stable => unless admin make it crash with command...


@SanGawku 😑

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