Dumke 229 Core Team Share Posted August 8, 2021 Hi all, We're going to offer account recovery for the next month, past this date, it will be by a case by case basis, Due to the recent event of hardware failure outlined in our post in announcements found at this link; What is recoverable? We'll require proof for almost all claims, but if you don't have anything, you'll still be eligible, you will just be more restricted. Any Zeni Amount up-to 200kk (200,000,000 Zeni) Levels Crafting Levels Shenron wishes Transformations Dragon Buffs Items (stat rolls are unfortunately not feasible) Weapons Armor Accessories (Case by Case basis for specific items) URP (will be handled without this form, unless you had paid for, and never received) Account playtime (visible on the user control panel) If there is something not listed here, and you would like to enquire if it's possible to recover, do ask, and we'll inform you whether it's possible to recover. The form follows as such: Character Name: Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): What you would like to recover: ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////// 46 / 65 ////////////////////////////////////// 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hitora 1 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character Name: Avoim Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): Part 1 - https://youtu.be/qbGqidmj0jE Part 2 - https://youtu.be/caW3sILi_Mk What you would like to recover: Roughly 5 Million Zeni (about 4.8-4.9 million) [Given by Sorot] GT Goku Gi [Given by Sorot] Aloha Outfit [Given by Sorot] Swimming Trunks [Quest/Level Reward] Wings of Divinity [Given by SanGawku] I was roughly level 15-ish at the time I had last played Quest progress up to that point including the two one and two star "quest" dragon balls. Entire Character Also Deleted In This Incident. ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sora_Heartless 6 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Hello, my character is Sora_Heartless level 75 these are pictures about all things that i've farmed. https://photos.app.goo.gl/Cs2VHWtBzmpKtqM66 https://photos.app.goo.gl/EpepxBQZKGgUJKoJ9 what i would like to get back all my dogis that i've farmed my eng crit damage wand 33% lvl 70 legendary earing cooldown 20 and my 182kk zenis the player Nalac can be a proof i'm playing with him everytime he saw them my equipements box too and the silvers ones they are the screen there's a video of my gear : thank you for helping ^^ 30/07/2021 (if the links doesn't work mp me on discord ) ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cupo07 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 (edited) Started Account July 2021 Charactername : Xaros Transformation: SSJ Zeni: Over 200kk but obtainend with UP beacause of Dogis (no pictures) Items: Dont remember (many & no pictures) I would like to recover my char lvl 60 now with some good gear +8 on every piece Edited August 9, 2021 by Cupo07 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AlexIlias 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Sup Brah Yatori LV75 and Tomoro Lv70 almost all Dragon ball wishes and this is all i had except Tomoro Banks https://imgur.com/a/7CTgqxe 10 Million Zeni on total. ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
blastedgod 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Gears.mp4 Crafting Level.mp4 Accessories.mp4 Zeni = 10kk Level = 73 | Crafting Level = 33-34 Shenron Wishes: HTB2 | ALL DBUFFS | FORM Items: On the video, I mostly care about the Armor/Pants/Shoes/Weapons/Accessories same with the Cell-X and Octopus on my inventory. and maybe the Pots, Popo Items, Whites and Silver Coins. I Also bought an glove that is 33 Foc from yatori. Added the Dogis just incase xd ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rickenderp 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character Name: Rickenderp Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): https://imgur.com/a/Hxsaxej What you would like to recover: Level = 73, SSJ, DBuffs Dex and FOC, GT Goku dogi, Future Gohan dogi, SAB Vegeta Dogi, Legendary Triangle Stick, 1m zeni, level 70 Omega combat gear (top, bottoms/pants, boots), z32 capsule case, z24 capsule case, halo dogi accessory, mine scouter, Anything not shown can be vouched for by Nadeko, Amheth, Rednax, and SonicExtreme ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SSJGodHero 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 (edited) Character Name: Nadeko (Lvl 61) Proof of ownership: https://imgur.com/pVpmBQn What I would like to recover: 1) Level: 61 ( https://imgur.com/a/Bbv0gk8) 2) Dogis: GT Goku (as shown in the imgur link above), Trunks Sleeveless Dogi (https://imgur.com/a/YxFbN48 ), King Vegeta and End of Z Goku Dogis (Rickenderp traded me the latter, and Amheth bought the former off the Auction House for me from Rickenderp and traded it with me so they can vouch for me on this), and the Kid Gohan dogi I got from the free gamble dogi we get from the gift box at lvl 2. 3) My lvl 53 con armor, my lvl 40 energy crit% wand, my lvl 50 energy crit% gloves, the full set of lvl 65 crafted con armor in my inventory (Rednax can vouch for me on most of my gear since he traded them with me and crafted them for me). 4) Crafting level 18 5) 3.5kk zeni in inventory 6) All default capsule kits save for the single z24 from the Token Shop Edited August 8, 2021 by SSJGodHero Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SonicExtreme 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character Name: SonicExtreme Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): all proof will be attached to this comment What you would like to recover: 1) I would like to recover the sleeveless trunks jacket dogi (that i bought in the Auction House) and Future Gohan Dogi (that was traded to me by Amheth). 2) I would also like to recover 3 u70 white upgrade stones and all the level 70 upgrade stones as well (37 red and 53 blue). 3) I would like to recover my gloves, stick and 2 pieces of armor with are in the screenshots and in the video by Hisoka in the tournament (time of the video is from 4:40) and if possible my crafted armor that i display in my proofs. 4) I would like to keep the 4m zeni with i farmed if possible, and all the banks (2 in total) and the capsule boxes which was 2 Z24 (from the token shop) and the rest Large 12 boxes, my level as well which is 75 as well as my lvl 30 crafting. 5) I would like to keep all my Dbuffs shown in the proofs and transformation ssj and HTBs all wished from Shenron (also shown in one of the proofs). All of these can be vouched by Nadeko (Hero on discord), Amheth (SpartanGod99 on discord), Rednax (, Rickenderp (same name on discord), Mesa (same name on discord, but also goes by the name of Beka), Blasted (Hisoka on discord) Thank you. Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iTixUl9oqCU&t=285s Images: https://imgur.com/a/JhDcU2M ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Amheth 0 Share Posted August 8, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character Names: Amheth and Tsuno Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): most proof here https://imgur.com/a/uhV2obV What you would like to recover: 1) I would like to recover the ssj4 gogeta (RGB) dogi that was traded to me by Rickendrep that's in the pictures above. 2) I would also like to recover all the u70 white upgrade stones and all the level 70 upgrade stones as well. 3) also all the dogis that are shown in the pictures, I would like to recover both the CC Mach gauntlets as well as my con gear which was the boots that had 23 con and legs that had 19, the body armor had 3% LP recovery SonicExtreme can vach for the body as he traded me this and for the boots and legs Rednax can vach for those if this cant be recovered then I have my gear at the ToP we had on Saturday which will be in the pictures. for the wand as well which was the black steel wand that has 22% energy crit thats also in the pictures. 4) I would like to keep the 14m zeni that is in my inventory and all the banks I brought and the capsule boxes which was the Z20 and three Z24 from the token shop and the level as well which is lvl 75. 5) I would like to keep all my Dbuffs and transformation ssj and HTBs all wished from Shenron all of the above is for Amheth. For Tsuno will be shown below. 1) I would like to keep the level of Tsuno which is lvl 53 - can be vached by Nadeko, Rickendrep, SonicExtreme, Rednax and Hiroko. 2) the zeni which is 3m zeni 3) all the capsules shown in the pictures 4) the dogi that he is wearing which is the kid gohan dogi 5) the two banks that was brought bank 1 and 2 6) I would like to keep my Giant transformation wished from Shenron ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darthvezimir 0 Share Posted August 9, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character names: MesaTurtle,ApocalypseKnight,RnJesus Proof of ownership for claim:https://imgur.com/a/8M5w9UD What would you like to recover: 1): I would like to recover all levels on the characters image so my turtle 75,Buffer lvl 68,and karma atleast lvl 45 even tho it was lvl 60 i do not have newer screenshot 2) Recover my wand +17 29% en crit,+14 gloves 29% en crit,Jacket +15 Constitution 27,shoes +11 Constitution 26,That blue aura Depression,earrings 2x cd 20 no picture but i will prove whatever u want that i had em,rings were in a combo one was con 17 i dont even remember effect of the other one. As for dogis gogeta dogi constitution 9 effect,Red wings energy critical rate 9,angel halo golden i dont remember what effect i had on it. 3) IF u cant get stats back id love my silver boxes back that i had trough events. And id rather that i speak with someone on discord because i am not the screenshot type therefore i dont have lots of pictures to prove but i have a lot of friends who can confirm that i had what i had discord name: Mesa#9998 4) As for zenis i had over 200kk as i have screenshotted it once so recover as much as you can give me i will be happy with anything, 5) all dragon buffs u see on the pictures if possible,had htb too ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CaesiumFish 1 Share Posted August 9, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character Name: Un, Xen Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): https://imgur.com/a/7ClOgZV Would like to recover: 1. Level for Un (shadow knight), I left it at level 57. For Xen - i just started leveling up so it does not matter, but I left it at less than lvl 10. 2. Dogis: from the gift box received black suit with yellow for Un (Do not remember how it is called) and gohan dogi for Xen. Also bought End of Z dogi from AH and got black popo-type hat and black suit with blue using token points and buying the gambling dogi capsules for 360 tokens. 3. CON and FOC dragon buffs for Un. Also left it with 1 dragon ball but it is not so important 4. I bought URP for 10$ last week - but did not receive it (yet) before the catastrophy. 5. And not so important stuff: had less than 2kk Zeni; gear was rare/legendary from random mob drops (stats not so good) but plus 8 to 11; 20-25 silver coins from Majin; had no crafting levels, transformations and any special gear/items. Had some random rare/legendary drops and prepared items for swordsman, karma majin with extra upgrades, but can't remember at what ++ I left the gear. It was level 34-42 though ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tony Haze 7 Share Posted August 9, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character name: Nio Race: Human Class: Fighter LVL: 75 with all dragon buffs and both HTB skills and ssj form Craft Level: 35 (Max) I have only this: https://gyazo.com/92eb01d8a7ce783fa33f0cba0c043409 BlastedGun aka Hisoka Morow (Discord name) member shared this to me. I had many things and I really can't remember all of them. So I will post the above. Please restore these. Zenni: 800 millions Attack Speed Weapons lvl 70 legendary bacterian stick 26% att speed (no upgrade) , lvl 70 legendary e bacterian gloves (260 att? I can't remember the value but it's att based) att speed 26% +17 upgraded lvl 70 legendary gloves ( legendary drop from mobs) (253 att based) att speed 25% +14 upgraded I had 4 pairs of gloves lvl70 legendary (drop gloves not from dungeons) 2 of them were (253? energy based) att speed 25% +14 upgraded and the rest 2 of them were (253 att based) att speed 24% +12 upgraded Physical Critical Weapons Lvl 70 Legendary Bacterian Slim Stick Phys Critical 33% (no upgrade) Lvl 70 Legendary Bacterian Slim Stick Phys Critical 29% (no upgrade) Lvl 70 Legendary e-bacterian gloves Phys Critical 33% (260 att? I can't remember the value but it's att based) +14 upgraded Lvl 70 Legendary bacterian gloves Energy Critical 33% ( it's the bacterian gloves that are white and red, energy based 260? ) +10 upgraded <--this glove i mean Gear (Top, pants, boots) Omega Gear Rare Top and Pants 20% lp regen +12 upgraded Omega gear Rare Top 25 dex + 15 upgraded Omega Gear Rare Top 26 con +14 upgraded Omega Gear Rare Pants 26 foc +12 Omega Gear Rare Pants 25 con + 15 Omega Gear Rare Boots 26 con +15 upgraded Omega Gear Rare Boots 26 dex +15 upgraded TMQ 7 Legendary M-Artificial Gear (top, pants, boots all con 22 or more I don't remember) this gear was energy defence based +10 upgraded I think Shenron Gear ( top, pants, boots) Accessories Kraken Earrings dex 30 Kraken Earrings dex 31 Kraken Earrings dex 25 Kraken Necklace paralize reduction 25%? Kraken Rings ( dexterity x4 , focus x 4, con x 4, strength x2, reflect damage x2) Cell-X Earrings 26 cooldown reductions x2 Cell-X Earrings 30 dexterity x2 Cell-X Earrings Properties 12 Cell-X Earrings Properties 10 Cell-X Necklace 26%? candy reduction Cell-X Rings 20con x2 Shenron Earrings x2 Energy 23? z32 x4 Dogis Vegeto Gogeta Gotunks KidGoku Robe Krillin Outfit Trunks Bojack Vest Trunks Bojack without Vest Saiyaman's Outfit Saiyaman's Undersuit ( the black undersuit without the green shirt ) Master Roshi's Outfits ( Blue and Yellow ) Chichi's Dogi ( Adult and kid ) White Tuxedo Master Roshi's SwimSuit Green swimsuit pants Turles Dogi Pirate Dogi Red + Blue version Pirate Hat Red + Blue version Broly Dogi all of the three of them ( Shirt, topless and the new one from event ) Ninja Outfit ( a purple ninja suit ) Kid Gohan's Dogi these dogis x3 Kid Gohan's Hat Kame Hat x3 7% attack speed with Dogi Ball Arale's Hatx2 Grey turtle shells x3 Master Roshi's Sunglasses all of them ( original, green and purple ) Red eye-patchx3 + Focus 5? Bunny ears x2 Golden Halo x3 these wings x3 can't remember the name Kid Clock x3 120 u70 purple stones 100 u70 white stones 100 u70 green stones 500 legendary honey from bee event 100 Seal Coins 100 brown boxes 50 silver boxes 400 silver devil coins 40 Rare dogi balls 4 sets of the 7 dragon balls This all I can remember and maybe I will re-edit this post. All this items were in my bank and my inventory. I spent more than 1 thousand hours in this account to bring all these items in the 2 years I play. Please restore as many items you can because I dropped my life for this server literally. Thank you for your time and please make dbour great again. Senkazu can vouch for me and for my alts. ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dragonforce 0 Share Posted August 9, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character name: Ripsodia Race: Human Class: Fighter LVL: 75 with all dragon buffs and both HTB skills Craft Level: None Most of my lost i guess they are just Zenni and "upgrades" https://gyazo.com/e58443abeaaa5c13502b55386007f407 https://gyazo.com/04813efe1bd2af9395be7ffe3b63b099 https://gyazo.com/777754cc5784c590c0a01f6ed0e0dab4 https://gyazo.com/9585dd36caea76e62e62af17251704fb (All pictures are from the screenshot from dbo folder, i dont have anything else ) (Here u can see me dashing and charging with the SHENRON PANTS +14 and Craft boots +15 (Shenron set full but all +8, only pants +14), no picture or videos with my craft set +15) https://universe.dborevelations.com/forum/uploads/monthly_2021_08/Gears.mp4.a040ed58630d808bd285da3f0c66504b.mp4 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
egergely 0 Share Posted August 9, 2021 (edited) Hi. Character Name: Sarkanyvadasz lv 75 fighter 12 millio zeni -Neeklace had 100 or 120 resistance from inventory package. -20% bleeding reduce 60% resistance rate Earring. Other earring (brown box) with 17 dex. -17 dex 30 hit rate prop ring. Other ring had 64 resistance from Shenron wish. -My shirt, pant, shoes have 27 dex, 10dex+450hp, 25 dex about. +12, +10, +9 upgrade about. -My glowe was lvl70 +12 upgrade about base 250 phisical attack with 12 crit rate. -My sub weapon was lv 65 +14 Stick total about 850 phisical attack with 12 crit rate I sent my all Training points to Dex. I was 412 dex. i was also 367 passive dodge rate frome passive skill + 180 hite rate from lvl 1 passive hite rate skill. Finnaly i have 2428 Dodge and 3566 Resistance/Tolerance Rate. 8955 hp, 3260 ep, 1316 base phis att, 811 en base att. 971 hite rate, 3828 armor, 1991 en armor, 85 crit rate, 15 en crit rate. I have gohan kid dogi with 7% movement speed and 5 resistance. also kame glass i remember with 5 cd reduction and back bag with 10% crit damage. 3 broly dogi from event: goku, vegeta and broly. super saiyan skill. online picture: http://dragonworldent.atw.hu/2021-07-11-20-12-15.jpg Edited August 10, 2021 by egergely Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sabatiel 0 Share Posted August 9, 2021 (edited) Name: Sabatiel Race/Class: Namekian Dark Warrior Level 75 with all dragon buffs and both of htbs + Great Namekian Form Zenni: 200 millions P bacterian gloves (energy based) 33% energy critical +13 upgraded Bacterian Claws 33% energy critical + 14 upgraded Bacterian Claws 25% att speed no upgrade Omega Gear Top Rare 20% lp regen +16 upgraded Omega Gear Pants Rare 20% lp regen +17 upgraded Omega Gear Boots Rare 28 con + 16 upgraded M-Artificial Gear (Top, pants, boots) energy defence based +15 upgraded Kraken Earrings 26 cooldown reduction x2 Kraken Rings focus x2 Kraken Necklace Status Success 255? Cell-X Con 20 x2 Dogis-Hats-Cosmetics Piccolo's Hat x2 CapsuleCorporation Helmet (DuftPunk Helmet :P) CapsuleCorporation Dogi (Similar to DuftPunk Helmet with steam ejected) Gawku knows Kami's Dogi Broly Dogi (shirt and shirtless ) White Bear Dogi White Bear Head Piece and Love Halo Great Saiyaman Helmet Kame Hat x2 Items 200 u70 purple stones 100 u70 white stones 200 u70 green stones 400 u60 white stones 500 u65 green stones 200 u65 purple stones 100 Seal Coins 500 legendary honey bee drops 4 sets of 7 dragon balls Edited August 9, 2021 by Sabatiel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Caim 0 Share Posted August 10, 2021 (edited) Ign: Caim Swordsman lvl 75 All dragonbuffs and ssj and all htbs and all wishes of a human (accessories + gear) 400 million zenni My gear was bacterian sword physical critical 33% +14 enhanced and physical based e-bacterian physical critical 33% +16 enhanced bacterian axe energy critical 33% +10 Omega Rare Τop con 28 +15 enhanced Omega Rare Pants dex 28 +15 enhanced Omega Rare Shoes con 28 +15 enhanced Cell-X earrings cd 26 x2 Cell-X earrings dex34 x2 Kraken earrings dex30 x2 Kraken rings dex17x2 Kraken necklace Also I had, Future trunks Dogi , Trunks Vest Dogi from Bojack Movie, Trunks Vestless Bojack Movie Dogi, Android 17 Dogi, Vegito Dogi, Purple Ninja Murashaki Dogi, Saiyan Tail RGB x3 30 silver boxes and 50 seal coins and 30 rare dogi balls 200 u70 white stones, 100 u70 purple stones, 150 u70 green stones Edited August 10, 2021 by Caim Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nalac 0 Share Posted August 10, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Hello to you. I had 230kk zenis. (I don't have a picture to show it.) my crafting was levels 31 STUFFS I had a pair of gloves at 25% attack speed +11 in weapon 23% attack speed Omega Gear Pants Rare 19% lp regen +12 (humain) Omega Gear Top Rare 19% lp regen +12 (humain) Omega Gear Boots Rare 24 con +13 (humain) My cell-x earrings were 25 cooldown cd and 20 cooldown cd. Gloves Energy crit 32% damage +17 Wand bactériane 29% Energy crit damage +16 items I had 83 seal coins stone u70 withe 46 stone u70 purple 41 stone u70 green 56 230 legendary honey bee drops Wish: SSJ /all dragon buffs bag 32 x1 or 2 i don't now I buy them with the shop items to give to Christmas. my dogis that I had to buy with zenis was Dogis. Broly Dogi (shirt ) (bougth in action house). Dogis gogeta ssj4 [RGB] outfit (bougth in action house)/ gogeta ssj4 tal [Rgb] (bougth in action house)/ hair gogeta ssj4 [rbg]. (bougth in action house). broly armor .(bougth in action house) Sab Vegeta / sab Goku .(bougth in action house) Baby goku.(bougth in action house) Piece and Love Halo.(bougth in action house) Arale's Cap.(bougth in action house) thank you for your understanding. SoraHeartless And Fhen can attest to that. ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kuroitchi 0 Share Posted August 11, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Characters: Kuroitchi level 41 Turtle hermit and Kuroichi level 41 fighter and Miharu level 42 Grand chef Majin Transformations: SSJ for Kuroitchi and Kuroichi Items: mainly HP Pots and EP Pots with Trunks, fused Zamasu and Kid Gohan Dogi's I have no pics, but i have people in my guild to vouch that this is what i had. ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HwaRyun 0 Share Posted August 11, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Character: HwaRyun Zeni: 342kk Transformations: SSJ, all dragon buffs, Htb2 Weapons: Bacterian gloves Phy 26% +17 CC mach gloves Phy 34 Foc +15 Stick Bacterian Phy critical dmg 33% +16 Armor: Powerful blood combat armor type A (lvl60) Powerful blood combat armor type A (lvl 60) Accessories: Cell earring 33 Dex x1 Cell earring 34 Dex x1 Inventory: Z32 - X3 Dogis: Intro dogi or tenkaichi CC Jacket Outfit (Red B) Cowboy dogi (the orange) Helmet Chi chi Commander Red's Eyepatch Shuriken Titles --- Powerful dreamer, Wmat Solo champion, Dragon glory https://i.imgur.com/knpl4eG.png https://i.imgur.com/a8Uoqut.png https://i.imgur.com/XUcgDCm.png https://i.imgur.com/rgwARTE.jpg https://i.imgur.com/JfOnEVr.jpg that's it, I don't need anything else xd Thanks (i can't enter in the user control panel idk why...) ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
f69009 0 Share Posted August 12, 2021 ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Hello my name in game is TeubMAM lvl 75 . I had 156kk zenis. (I don't have a picture to prouve it the server get close before i could log back.) but my friends Nalac can attest for of what im saying here . my crafting was levels 31 STUFFS I had a pair of gloves at 25% attack speed +11 drum sub weapon 23% attack speed Omega Gear Pants for Majin Rare 24 focus +15 Omega Gear Top Rare for Majin 23 focus +12 Omega Gear Boots Rare for Majin soul 24 +13 My cell-x earrings were 25 cooldown cd and 22 cooldown cd. Gloves Energy bactériane crit 32% damage +17 drum bactériane 29% Energy crit damage +16 items I had 63 seal coins stone u70 withe 66 stone u70 purple 51 stone u70 green 55 330 legendary honey bee drops 4 set of 7 dragon ball bag 32 x1 and bag 24 x3. for the dogi i got a lot of them but i dont care to recover them and dont even remember half of them so . a lots of others items but cant remember them all. This what i can remember for now cause its not some random item u can forgot i farm hours and hours for them so . Thanks. for dragon wish i got pure majin and 3 wish i have old picture from over1 year . ////////////////////////////////////// RESTORED ////////////////////////////////////// Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fenezio 1 Share Posted August 12, 2021 (edited) Character: Fhen Lvl 75 inscription on website 22 mai 2020 Zeni: 12000000 Coins: 320 Title: Depression Corruption Wish: SSJ all dragon buffs Weapons: gloves legendary lvl 70: atk speed 25% +13 gloves legendary lvl 70: Crit Energie Damage 29% +12 fan legendary lvl 60: atk speed 26% +12 fan legendary lvl 70: Crit Energie Damage 32% +11 ( i dont remember the true name of the weapon ) Armor: omega gear top legendary lvl 70: constitution 21 +12 omega gear pants legendary lvl 70: EP% Absorption = 22% +14 omega gear pants legendary lvl 70: LP% Absorption = 20% +11 omega gear boots legendary lvl 70: constitution 20 +12 Accessories: Cell x earring cooldown 22 x1 Cell x earring cooldown 24 x1 Inventory: 32 x4 stone u70 withe 12 stone u70 purple 35 stone u70 green 32 i dont really remember for other items , too bad xD Warehouse: 7 Dragon Balls Dogis: outfit vegeto x1 ( constitution 9 ) outfir broly (shirt) x1 hair gogeta ssj4 (RGB) x1 ( atk Speed 5 ) gogeta ssj4 (RGB) x1 goku gt end dbz x2 Black wing x3 sayan tail x3 ( one with energie critical damage 6 ) gogeta ssj4 tail x1 Sun Glasses (free) Outfit Goku ( Turtle school )(free) Zamasu (free) teen gohan (free) Golden Halo Sky glasses ( i dont remember the name : its only on cash shop ) SoraHeartless and Nalac vouches for my sincerity Edited August 12, 2021 by Fenezio 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Encephalitic 0 Share Posted August 13, 2021 (edited) Character Name: Sagan Proof of ownership for claim(pictures, videos): None really aside from this forum account and I’m in the discord with the name Sagan too. I do have the user folder from the game folder that has some stuff in it if that helps. What you would like to recover: My character and levels, I believe it’s all gone. I was nearing adulthood level but was just arriving in Korin Forest and got to the first main hub city there. Had maybe 5 dragon balls? A couple thousand Zeni but I can take or leave that. I also had a Saiyan Pod Ship from the store I got with reward points, everything else doesn’t really matter. Edited August 13, 2021 by Encephalitic Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HealerMan 0 Share Posted August 13, 2021 Character Name: HealerMan Race: Namekian Dende Level 75 + all dragon buffs + all htbs + Great Namekian Zenni: 250 millions Bacterian Scroll 26% att speed + 16 upgraded Bacterian Staff 26% att speed + 17 upgraded Bacterian Gem 25% att speed +12 upgraded ( Poko's weapon) Omega Rare Top 21%lp regen +15 ugraded Omega Rare Pants 21% lp regen + 15 upgraded Omega Rare Boots con 20+ 17 upgaded Cell-X earrings 26 cd reduction x2 Cell-X rings 20 con x2 Cell -X badge confusion reduction 25%? I cant remember Dogis Kami outfit Ninja Murasaki Purple Outfit x2 Krillins Outfit Dogi Aloha Summer Type a ( white shirt)? Broly Dogi ( With black undershirt) Broly Dogi ( topless) Saiyan tails RGB x2 Vegito Dogi Gogeta Dogi Devil's Horns Devils Costume Dogi Love and Piece Halo Blue Turtle Shell Gale Wings x2 Bunny Head Bear Head Bear body dogix2 Pumpkin Head Type C? i can't remember Kid Goku's Robe ( purple rob) kame hat x2 20 rare dogi balls 15 silver boxes Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FatMan 0 Share Posted August 13, 2021 Character name: FatMan Race: Majin Karma Zenni: 250 millions Level 75 + all htbs + all dragonbuffs + Buu transformation Bacterian p-gloves (energy based) att speed 26% + 16 upgraded Bacterian Mask att speed 26% no upgrade Omega Rare Top 28 focus +16 upgraded Omega Rare Pants 28 Focus +17 upgraded Omega Rare Boots 28 Con + 16 upgraded Cell-Earrings cooldown reduction 26 x2 Cell-X Rings con 20 x2 Kraken Rings Focus 17 x2 Kraken necklace status success 250 I think z32 x4 Dogis Turtle Outfit (Like Gokus Gi but for Majins exlusive) Master Roshis Sunglasses (original)+(green)+(purple) Future Trunks Dogi (with blue jacket like DBS) Trunks ( Bojack movie with Vest) Trunks (Bojack movie Vestless) Turtle Shell (Black one) Great Saiyaman Dogi Great Saiyaman Helmet Great Saiyan Black Undershirt only x2 Red patch-eye x3 Devil Horns Kame Hat x2 Gale wings x2 Piece and Love Halo Mummy's hat Mummy's Dogi 30 silver boxes 30 rare dogi balls Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...