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It'd be amazing to see the player count AND activity go up on this game. I really feel like any real dragonball fan could get sucked into this game, even if they are more on the shallow side as far as liking the series; yes, the project is that good. So I'm just sort of wondering in what ways is the game being advertised to others, other than the main YouTube page/ a player like flexarot? Idk, I just want as many people possible to have a chance at playing this beautiful game. No doubt advertising (idk how, I'm just speculating) would up the player base, but it would allow for more staff (which is very important obviously).  Maybe we, the players, could get involved somehow? I'm just sort of rambling I guess: being wishful.



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It'd be nice of players talked about dbour on more mainstream social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter. That way more players would know about the game most likely. My assumption is that when dbog launched it got mainstream and thousands of players played it to the point people where struggling to get a spot in the overfull channels. After it died most people probably thought the entire dbo game died with it. Sad to see that they're wrong about that. So yeah, there you have it. Talk about dbour on twitter and instagram and reddit, open up interresting topics, that's how u get the attention of the masses. 🙂

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